Your code sucks, let's fix it
Identify trouble areas in your code, learn how to refactor them and train y...
Identify trouble areas in your code, learn how to refactor them and train y...
What would your application look like if it were written by the people who...
This talk gives a basic overview of the different types of tests and tools...
In this part we’ll be exploring the powers of wonderfull HttpKernelInterfac...
One of the exciting features of the newly released Zend Framework 2 is the...
SpecBDD is the inner loop of Behavior Driven Development. Working on the co...
A Voices of the ElePHPant Interview with Derick Rethans by Cal Evans, spons...
We’ve all seen them: applications that got out of control. Under the pressu...
The talk is designed to give an entry-level introduction to how you should...